Shul Announcements Dr. Blaivas will be giving his Chumas shiur tonight. Cholent will be served. Debi and Howard Reece are hosting a Shalom Zachar in honor of their grandson born to Aryeh and Nechama Mann. The address is 53 Bond Street. Bris information to follow. Mazel tov! The vort for Eugene Shpilsky and Chavi Lederman is postponed to next Sunday, April 21st. The vort will take place from 2:00-4:00 pm, at the home of Rabbi and Rebittzen Spira, 47 Crescent Ave. Siyum HaMishnayos As we have done the past 2 years, the Shul will once again make a Siyum HaMishnayos on Shavuos. TThe Siyum willRead More →